Where would you like to go today?
The Orient, the Eldar Woods, a field of Wild Flowers, how about the Black Sea? The smell of Incense can transport you there. You might wonder why – well, to put it simply, scent memories are something we all have, every time you do something, or go somewhere you have scents surrounding you and those scents are placed into the memory as well as the sights and sounds.
You are walking down the street, and the smell of freshly baked bread surrounds you. A memory of being at home for Christmas dinner when you were young envelopes you. All the sights, sounds, scents, and feelings wash over you, making you feel warm and happy. You had forgotten that day, but all it took was a whiff of that special scent to evoke that memory and make it live again.
So, treat yourself to a little aromatherapy and discover your special scents.